Nine WPC members were recognized with 14 awards during the virtual NFPW communications contest awards ceremony June 6. The annual contest attracted 1,800 entries this year, according to NFPW officials. Congratulations to the following members on their awards:

  • Jennifer Eaton: second place, electronic newsletter, nonprofit, government or educational
  • Debbi Elmore: third place, publication regularly edited by entrant, newsletter or other publication, corporate or for-profit
  • Amy Geiszler-Jones: third place, specialty articles, arts and entertainment; third place, specialty articles, physical health; and honorable mention, specialty articles, social issues
  • Darcy Gray, Belinda Venters and Jennifer Eaton: third place, publication regularly edited by entrant,
    newsletter or other publication, nonprofit, government or educational
  • Madeline McCullough: first place, advertising, advertising campaign; first place, video for web, nonprofit or government organization
  • Cheryl Miller: honorable mention, personality profile, less than 500 words; honorable mention, feature story, magazine, newsletter or other publication
  • Jill Miller: third place, blogs, corporate or for-profit
  • Cynthia Mines: first place, publication regularly edited by entrant, magazine/magapaper; honorable mention, specialty articles, travel; and honorable mention, video for web, special interest video

Congratulations to the WPC members who received awards in the 2020 Kansas Professional Communicators annual contest:

  • Judy Conkling: second place, electronic newsletter
  • Jennifer Eaton: first place, electronic newsletter
  • Debbi Elmore: first and second place, newsletter editing; second place, specialty article, social issues
  • Amy Geiszler-Jones: first and second place, specialty article, arts and entertainment; first place, specialty article, history; first place, specialty article, physical health; first place, specialty article, social issues.
  • Darcy Gray: second place, video for web
  • Madeline McCullough: first place, video for web; first place, advertising campaigns
  • Cheryl Miller: first place, feature story, non-newspaper; first place, personality profile under 500 words; second place, newsletter editing
  • Jill Miller: first, second and third place, corporate blog
  • Cindy Mines: first place, magazine editing; first place, specialty interest video; first place, specialty article, travel
  • Belinda Venters, Jennifer Eaton & Darcy Gray: first place, newsletter editing


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