Happy 2022! I hope this post finds you well and energized to tackle a new year. I don’t know about you, but I’m still tired from 2020 and 2021. I don’t think there are enough vacation days in the world to catch up from all of the constant movement, pivoting and communicating we all had to do for our respective organizations during the pandemic. As the pandemic surges on, I encourage all of you to stay healthy however you’re able — mask up, get vaccinated, get the booster, social distance, sanitize, etc. You know the drill.
I’m really excited to get the year up and running. Our first speaker will be Tami Bradley of Bothner & Bradley, Inc. She is championing the One Small Step initiative from StoryCorps here in Wichita, and what better way to start a new year by learning about a program that encourages having the hard conversations with people and finding some common ground amongst our differences? As we enter a new year and make resolutions, keep in mind those uncomfortable ones we think about pursuing but oftentimes set aside for another year.
And don’t forget to make professional resolutions as well. One thing I enjoy about this group is being surrounded by professionals who encourage me and stand in my corner. That’s powerful. So if your resolutions involve changing career paths, asking for a raise or reconfiguring your current job responsibilities to take on more challenges, please know you have a village of communicators cheering you on.
I wish you much success in 2022. If you have thoughts, ideas, feedback or simply want to say hello, please feel free to send me an email. I enjoy making connections and meeting new people (even though I’m a huge introvert – it’s all about balance).
– Sean Jones, WPC president