Nominations for COA due in March 2020

Deadlines for the annual Communicator of Achievement award were announced during the NFPW conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. March 23 will be the deadline that nominations will be due from all state affiliates. Deadlines are much earlier because the annual conference is now in June instead of September. “We have Read more…

News about WPC members

Three WPC members who work for KMUW public radio recently received awards in the Kansas Association of Broadcasters contest. Carla Eckels received three awards: first place in the large market, special program’s category about the 60th anniversary of the Dockum Sit-in; second place for large market, DJ personality aircheck for Read more…

Kansas Professional Communicators seeks new slate of officers

If you are looking for an opportunity to serve in a leadership role, five elected positions are open for the Kansas Professional Communicators (KPC). You are needed to fill the following positions: president, 1st vice president for membership, 2nd vice president for bylaws, secretary and treasurer. The KPC executive board Read more…

WPC mugs on sale at each luncheon meeting

We continue to look for ways to build revenue for our scholarship fund. As part of that, we will sell our new 16-ounce WPC mugs, sporting not just our logo but the Wichita flag, for $15. Profits from the sale – amounting to about $8 per cup – will help Read more…

WPC June luncheon: Chris Green explores why investigative journalism matters

As newsrooms across the country are forced to cut staff, strong investigative journalism can often be the first to take a hit. Join us in June for a discussion about the importance of investigative journalism with Chris Green, managing editor of the Kansas Leadership Center’s quarterly magazine, The Journal. One Read more…

WPC-ICT June discussion: Niche writing

Plan to join WPC-ICT on the last Monday of June when MeLinda Schnyder turns our open discussions to niche writing and marketing for something you love to do, have specific knowledge in or find is an area that has an unmet need for content. Schnyder, a longtime journalist, first found Read more…

Words from the WPC president: Get inspired at the national level

I’ve been bitten. Not by a pesky mosquito – at least not yet – but the bug that comes from being around other inspiring people. Through WPC’s and WPC-ICT’s programming, I have found lots to be inspired about – from making connections to hearing relevant information about the media, publishing Read more…

Leadership sought for Kansas Professional Communicators

Kansas Professional Communicators (KPC) needs YOU! There are several KPC officer positions open, and they are: President 1st Vice President for Membership 2nd Vice President for Bylaws Secretary Treasurer The KPC executive board is required to meet four times a year, and for the past five years, the board has Read more…

Do you have website redesign or planning skills or interest?

Wichita Professional Communicators is forming a committee to work on redesigning and updating the content on our website. This is an excellent way for those of you with experience in website design or planning a redesign to contribute to WPC. For those with more interest than experience, joining the committee Read more…

WPC May luncheon: Bonita Gooch pushes Community Voice statewide

Wichita native Bonita Gooch has grown The Community Voice from a small local monthly publication to one of the largest and most widely circulated nondaily papers in the state of Kansas. Join us on May 1 at our monthly luncheon to hear from Gooch on the importance of niche publications Read more…