2019 membership changes & incentives
By Adrienne Churchill, membership chair
As you consider renewing your WPC membership (based on the calendar year from January through December), please note that professional level DUES have increased this year to $152. Renewals are due and payable by Dec. 31, 2018. All other membership levels remain the same, as noted below:
$152, Professional (includes KPC and NFPW dues)
$50, Local/Freelance (does not include KPC or NFPW dues)
$45, Student (includes KPC and NFPW student dues)
$135, Retired (1x payment of $105 to KPC + $30 annually to NFPW)
Benefits of Membership
• Networking
• Professional development
• Job announcements
• Monthly nwsbrfs e-newsletter
• Annual communications contest
• Skill-building workshops
• Freelance/Independent Communications Talent [ICT] meetings
• And more!